Yes, Please


By Amy Poehler

Publication Year: 2014

Type: Non-fiction

Genre: memoir

Read on 2019-01-08

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I already loved Amy Poehler but now I LOVE AMY POEHLER. I love that this book captures everything a woman in comedy can be, everything a woman can be. I appreciate kind people who are happy and humble and love and appreciate their friends and colleagues. There’s so much joy in this book and like, self-awareness and reflection, and I feel like I’m seeing into the life of a woman who has lived so much more of her life than I have (at 22), and understanding more of the parts that go into a life and career.

I also listened to this as an audiobook because I very rightly assumed it would be fantastic. It was, and there were some fab guest stars and special medium-specific things they did for this audiobook that are just clever and fun and enriched the experience. I also definitely YouTubed bunch of the awards show stories Poehler writes about afterward and they really are as hilarious as she says they are.


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