Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)


By Mindy Kaling

Publication Year: 2011

Type: Non-fiction

Genre: memoir, comedy

Read on 2019-06-30

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Confession: I listened to the audiobook in a single day while procrastinating not only my law take-home midterm but also reading critically acclaimed A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry which my sister picked for our inaugural bookclub book of the month.

It’s 2019 and I honestly forget sometimes that Mindy Kaling was one of the people who literally created The Office. This book isn’t really about The Office but it’s funny and well-written and loveable like The Office, and made for a timely reminder that The Office was thankfully not entirely a project by white comedy dudes.

I like that Mindy talks about being Indian and daughter to powerhouse immigrants and chubby and living in New York in her early twenties because these are all highly relatable. I also like that her audiobook was only like 5 hours long so between my commutes and lunch break and making ramen when I finally got home at 10pm, I’d finished the whole thing and become one step closer to being a Stephen King-esque reading maniac.

See me review this book in this video!




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