

By Stephen King

Publication Year: 1974

Type: Fiction

Genre: paranormal, thriller

Read on 2018-07-31

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First Stephen King I've ever read - enjoyed his crisp writing style and the excerpts of other texts was neat but I just couldn't get over how hateful and misogynistic the underlying logic of this book is. There's a lot of woman-hating at face value but like subtextually too - I just don't enjoy the use of menstruation as a metaphor for satanic blood-curdling evil. Like can you not compare my bodily functions to pig's blood and also not imply miscarriage to punctuate your nifty blood/menstruation theme thanks.

Also Stephen King has never been a teenage girl having her period for the first time. Not that a writer needs to have experienced everything they write about but there was a great deal of inauthenticity to the writing of such a crucial plot device/metaphor that I didn't appreciate.


The Handmaid’s Tale

