

By Michelle Obama

Publication Year: 2018

Type: Non-fiction

Genre: memoir, politics

Read on 2019-02-16

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This book is every bit as nourishing as you, a tired and shrivelled citizen of 2019, wishes it would be. No it's not all about Barack, although it was very very cute to hear about their romance. Yes, Michelle kicks ass and so does her family - seriously that is one hardworking, successful, amazing family. I really enjoyed hearing about Michelle's career path through corporate law to nonprofit admin (which I'm getting my graduate degree in right now!) and, through her husband, politics. Sad that she basically vowed in this book to never ever run for president but she wouldn't be her if she did. As expected, Michelle is a damn good writer and also a profoundly self-actualized and reflective person who sees and represents her own life experiences so honestly and beautifully. I learned a lot about what it's like to grow up as a black girl in the Chicago South Side and become a black woman in a law firm and the White House. This book really re-affirmed that Michelle Obama is truly the role model we know her to be. 


Seraphina (Seraphina #1)


The Vegetarian